Friday 31 January 2014

Day 1 - Eating GLUTEN

Yesterday I had my first taste of gluten in just under a year and I must say it was an experience!

So I made lunch of a ham salad pitta bread (wholewheat), as soon as I opened the pack of pitta bread I got a whiff of wheat and it was not a pleasant smell.  I must say that since starting a gf diet whenever I smell wheat I do get a sickly feeling in my stomach.  Getting over the smell I proceeded to make my lunch wondering how it would taste and whether I would start to crave other gluten filled foods.

Eating it was not too bad but to be honest it was not very enjoyable, I think I was more worried about what each bite was doing to my insides than savoring each bite and being thankful for a meal.

I must say though, so far so good, nearly 24 hours later I have not noticed any symptoms that I have not already had in the past week.  I did have a cup of peppermint tea that morning so I don't know if that made a difference or not.  But they do say as well that even if you do not experience symptoms immediately you should wait 48 hours before you can confirm whether you have had a reaction or not.

The pain I have in my back and shoulder must be due to the way I have been sleeping but I also think I made it worse with that walk I did on Wednesday because now I am in agony.  I don't know what I have done to myself but I hope it does not last through the weekend as I am due back to work next week after being off for two months, I really don't want to spend anymore time at home by myself, I'm bored.

Hopefully, symptom wise, I have another day like yesterday so wish me luck!

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