Monday 1 September 2014

How To: Loom Band FishTail Bracelet

Written and made by my brother CJ.

You Will Need 

50 - 70 loom bands (Colours of your own choice)
1 loom board or 1 sling shot or 1 monster tail board
1 Crochet hook 
1 'S' clip

Step 1.
Twist the purple band into a figure 8 and place on two pegs

Step 2. 
Place your white band on top but DO NOT make it into a figure 8

Step 3. 
Repeat step 2 with a pink band instead of white

Step 4. 
Using your crochet hook lift the purple band on the right side peg and move into the middle of the pegs

Step 5 . 
Using your crochet hook lift the same purple band on the left side peg and move into the middle of the pegs

Step 6 . 
Repeat step 2 to 5 with colours black light purple white pink dark purple white pink in that order until your bracelet is long enough  ( Do not forget to push down the bands every now and then )

This is what it should start to look like when you are about half way through

Step 7 . 

When you have got to the length you want, lift the remaining bands on the right peg over to the left peg

Step 8

Now attach one side of the S clip to all of the bands on the left peg

Step 9

Pull the bands off of the peg with the S clip then attach the loose bands at the other end to the S clip

Enjoy wearing your loom band fishtail bracelet!

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