Monday 1 September 2014

Nestlé Gluten Free Corn Flakes - Honey

Was happy to find these Gluten Free Cornflakes on a recent trip to my local Asda, I didn't buy them the first time I saw them but when I did go back for them there was none on the shelf in the Free From section.  I was gutted and immediately thought that I should have bought them when I first saw them.

However my mum said that she had seen them on the end of the cereal aisle, which I thought was odd, however I took a look and found a shelf full of them in the "normal" cereal aisle!  AMAZING!  I suppose that since they are clearly labelled gluten free (you can't miss the huge letters) that it would be ok to place them there however, if you are on a gluten free diet, for whatever reason why would you be looking in the cereal aisle when there is a dedicated free from section elsewhere?!?

They also have the plain Corn Flakes, for those that don't want the added sweetness.

As you can see this clearly Gluten Free and I am glad that a known brand like Nestle has introduced a gluten free product to their range, hopefully they will set the trend for other brands to follow (I know Heniz was the first known brand I had seen with a gluten free range)

I have been eating this every morning now for the past two weeks and I must say that either my bowls are why to big or there is not 16 portions per box as one box lasts 7 days for me, maybe I need smaller bowls.

To be honest, cornflakes should be naturally gluten free any way as they are maize, but clearly cereals are produce in an environment where gluten and wheat are present so your standard box of cornflakes or frosties can not be labelled as gluten free.

All in all, I am happy that I have found this box of cornflakes, at only £2.00 and in the same size box as your standard cereals rather than having to pay £2.50 upwards for a smaller box of any other gluten free cereal.

I hope that this sets the trend for more gluten free products to be packaged in the same quantities and price ranges as standard foods so that they can sit side by side on the shelf.

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