Friday 22 August 2014

Ice Tea

Another blog post in collaboration with my brother CJ (apologies this should have been posted weeks ago!)

You will need :
4 tea bags  (of your choice, we chose, Twinings cranberry and raspberry)
Boiled water 

Step 1. 
Boil kettle

Step 2. 
Put all 4 tea bags in the jug with 4 table spoons of sugar

Step 3. 
Once the water is boiled pour in jug

Step 4. 
Stir to devolve sugar and get the flavours from the tea bag, at this point you can add more sugar according to your taste.

Step 5. 
Leave to brew till liquid cools down

Step 6. 
Once cooled, discard tea bags

Step 7. 
Place jug in fridge to chill for a couple of hours or pour in glass with ice to enjoy straight away

My brother enjoyed drinking this and to be honest I think he drank most of it (except for what he spilt on the floor!)

For me with my sweet tooth it could have done with some more sugar, but it was still very refreshing and a great way to drink more water without all of the artificial sweeteners.

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