Sunday 20 July 2014

Chocolate Chip Cookie Ice Cream Sandwich (GF & DF)

Blog Post written in collaboration with my little brother CJ.

I had my brother staying with me this weekend and we decided to make some treats, here is the final instalment combing both recipes.
You will need :

Chocolate Chip Cookies
Chocolate Banana Smoothie Ice cream

Step 1. Get 2 cookies 1 for the base and 1 for the top ( see previous blog post for cookie recipe )

Step 2. Get ice cream and lay a spoon full of ice cream on the base cookie ( see previous blog post for ice cream recipe)

 Step 3. Place 2nd cookie on to of the ice cream 

I am actually yet to try the combo my self so I will leave this to my brother.

"The ice cream sandwich was amazing, how can I put this in to words, ummmmm, every bite left me jaw dropped and speechless." After laughing our heads of on his description I then asked him to describe flavours and he says "it was sweet, chocolatey and full of flavour" I then asked how was the cookie with the ice cream combination and he says "it was perfect!"

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