Saturday, 19 July 2014

Chocolate Banana Smoothie Ice Cream

Blog Post written in collaboration with my little brother CJ.

So as a part of our weekend together the first thing I did was buy a bag of ice to make a chocolate banana smoothie, it was so nice that I thought to myself "we could make an ice cream out of this".  When deciding with my brother what we should do to occupy him, as well as making cookies (see previous blog post) I suggested the ice cream and then said "cookie ice cream sandwiches (see next blog post)

Ingredients :

2 bananas 
4 strawberries 
8 ice cubes 
1 cup of milk 
Nestlé nesquik 

Step 1. Cut the 4 strawberries in half, cut both bananas and place in freezer.

Step 2. Once fruit is frozen put in blender along with 4 ice cubes a cup of milk and nestle nesquik  ( 3 spoon fulls .)

Step 3. Gradually add the rest of the ice cubes until mixture thickens

Step 4. Once blended pour into a container and put in freezer.

Step 5. Stir every 30 minutes or so to incorporate frozen parts around the edges of the container

Step 6. Continue step 5 until you have a soft ice cream consistancy then serve

As a smoothie, this recipe is great, but to turn it in to an ice cream I feel it needs a few minor adjustments.  I did look at other recipes online and noted that I should have used some cream in addition to the milk to help thicken it, rather than using the ice!

You still get the chelate banana flavour it's just icy rather than creamy, I will definitely try this again with cream to try and get a better outcome.

My brother reckons it's "amazingly sweet", hmmmmmm not to sure about that but at least he liked it.

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