Saturday 6 December 2014

Costa - Turkey, Bacon and Cranberry Gluten Free Wrap

After a very busy morning rushing across London, I dashed into Costa in London Bridge to grab lunch before I got the bus to work.  I had read about the new Turkey, Bacon and Cranberry Gluten Free Wrap previously but  this was not on my mind when I stepped into Costa as I was in a rush.

I just headed straight to the fridge and scanned the shelves looking for a gluten free wrap, when I saw it I thought "hmmm ok, I guess this is it then" as it was my only option.

The filling looks to be quite evenly distributed but I can honestly say that I didn't taste a thing, now this could have been due to the fact that I was pre-occupied whilst eating (multitasking after rushing around all morning).  I remember a hint of smokiness from the bacon and tanginess of the cranberry but other than that it was just wrap and mayonnaise!

I am thankful for the fact that I was able to pick up something for lunch at all but only one option is basically saying take it or leave it and I can't exactly go into any shop to get something substantial to eat (when I forget my lunch at home).

It filled the hunger but it's not something I would rush back to get.

Price I think was around £3 

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