Sunday 6 April 2014

Recipe - Green Juice

I found my blender and made this!

Was so happy when I found the blender that I spent the evening looking at green juice recipes on YouTube then jumped outta bed and rushed to Asda to get the ingredients the next morning.

Im starting off simple and will aim to add or change some things along the way. So we have:

Spinach - £1.00
Ice - £1.00
Frozen Mixed Fruit (apple, grape, melon and pineapple) - £0.88
Bananas - £1.00
Lemon - £0.85

My blender! Just a basic one from Argos, I have had this for about five years so can not remember the price but I wouldn't have paid more than £20 for it. Bargain considering it is a glass jug!

First attempt and this is what I added

One large handful of baby spinach.

One cup of frozen mixed fruit

One banana , peeled and chopped

Half a lemon, juice only

Five ice cubes and water

Here it is all in there

It's blending........

........ GREEN JUICE!

First taste: not sweet (I do have a sweet tooth), banana not ripe enough, lemony. But I LOVE it! OMG! It really is that simple.

Now I know what to do for my next attempt. When I make it perfect I will let you all know!

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