Sunday 2 March 2014

Breakfast - BFree Wraps

As I was unable to get any Genius bread these past few weeks I have been using BFree Wraps instead.

I first tried these after I bought them at the Allergy & Free From Show 2013, seeing their stand and spying the wraps I was so excited because before I went GF I use to eat wraps daily, sometimes with no filling!

It took a while but they finally made it into my local Asda store, they are the only GF wrap that I have tried and I have no complaints so would not go looking for another brand (unless Genius added wraps to their range).

So for breakfast this morning with no Genius bread in sight I used the BFree wrap for my egg and bacon this morning.

Ok I actually have one complaint, if you put to much filling in the wrap it doesn't hold well and starts to split right in the middle, but at least it doesn't crumble!

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