Saturday 1 March 2014

Whole Foods - Juice Bar

I decided to try out the juice bar that they have in Whole Foods today because I have been seeing everyone on YouTube with their Green Juices and Bubble Tea, so as Whole Foods is the only place I know of in my immediate area to get fresh juices and smoothies I thought I would give it a go.

I chose the Green Machine, I can't remember all of the ingredients but I know it had apple juice, celery (which was the main ingredient I could taste), wheatgrass and some other "green ingredients".

On first taste it was ok just the celery overpowers the whole thing, you can taste the apple juice which helps sweeten it, but I'm a bit disappointed that they don't add ice! I think it was taste much better if it was ice cold and it would make it more refreshing as well.

Would I buy another one? Yes, but I would take some ice with me!

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