Saturday 22 March 2014

Genius Croissants and Pains au Chocolat

I was very excited to find these in Asda, but they had already sold out of the Pains an Chocolat, so I grabbed the Croissants eagerly.

As I left Asda I suddenly realised I had no jam at home but thought "oh well" and continued on my way.

When I got ready to try the Croissants I opened the packet and immediately thought that they looked a bit small.

Nevertheless I popped them in the oven for 10 minutes to be "refreshed" as it instructed on the back of the pack.

The smell was amazing and I could not wait to open the oven and dig in.

It was not love at first bite, seemed a bit dry (and very hot, was very impatient) so I decided to let it sit a while before I continued.

The pastry is good, not as soft and buttery as your standard croissant, but a close try for a GF alternative. I decided that I definitely need some jam when I buy them again.

The Pains au Chocolat was a perfect treat to find when I went back to Asda, with only 2 on the shelf I knew I couldn't leave it behind.

These looked and felt like what I was use to before being GF so I had high expectations when I opened the pack and popped one in the oven.

Again the smell filled the kitchen and I literally couldn't wait for the 10 minutes to be over.

The first bite was amazing, warm pastry and chocolate, not too sweet, yum!

However, it could do with a bit more chocolate for the amount of pastry, but defo a treat that will be purchased again!

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