Friday 6 June 2014

Dohertys - Gluten Free Thick Pork Sausages

Every time I went to my local Asda and browsed the limited frozen Free From section, I would pick up these sausages and then put them back!

But on my last shopping trip my Mum picked them up and dropped them in the trolley for me and I'm glad she did.

There are 8 in a pack and they are quite large compared to your standard frozen sausage.

They smelled delicious whilst they were cooking and did not burst or release a lot of fat in the pan.

The taste was good, very meaty and filling.  I had these for breakfast with baked beans and bread, but wished I had done a full fry up!

They were so good that I had them for lunch the next two day with chips!  Also I found a gluten free baguette in M&S so I'm thinking hotdog with fries onions and ketchup for lunch today, YUM!

Will definatley purchase again as they are great to just pull out of the freezer and put straight in the oven to accompany many different dishes!

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